knit, purl

Sometimes I honestly feel like I could knit for days on end with no break.  I don't know if it's because I get obsessive about things or because I'm so impatient for the final product, but sweater, I. Can't. Quit. You.  All morning long I watched documentaries (September Issue!) and began knitting the test for a Perenboom sweater.  I was so deliriously happy.  Knit, purl, knit, purl, pet the kitties, drink some espresso from my amazing new Kourig knock-off, knit, purl, knit, purl.  I've also been working on knitting up a prototype for some yoga socks/leglets.  They came out a little too big (man, oh man does wool stretch) and I'm not too pleased with the pattern.  Time to consult my knitting pattern bible and pick a new combo!  Taniel has off today, so as soon as she wakes up, I plan on convincing her to do yoga with me.  She's the only person I know who hates downward dog more than any other pose.  Then maybe we can take a stroll down past the silent movie theatre on Fairfax and do some vintage shopping/cafe eating!  I like this day already.

*the artwork on my door was done by my late grandmother who was quite the provocative artist in her time.  She had a million stories - one in particular about how she got tipped a quarter under a full glass at her soda shoppe by a would-be suitor - and a talented mind and hand.  Not to mention she was quite the looker with a full head of ginger curls*

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