why cats paint

We went on a little thrift store adventure yesterday in the Fairfax District and my oh my was it fun and...interesting.  We began our stroll at what was the last silent film theater in the world, aptly named The Silent Movie Theatre.  I got really excited (like jumping and clapping) until I saw that September's showings include both King of the Hill and The Garbage Pail Kids.   I was hoping for more along the line of Louise Brooks, but oh well, c'est la vie.  The thrift stores, however, I could've dug through for hours.  A bright and shining gem was a book on Why Cats Paint: A Theory of Feline Aesthetics.  Although our two kittens are adorable, apparently they are not 'spontaneous reductionists' like Tiger or 'trans-expressionists' like Bootsie.  Nor do they sell paintings for $19,000 like Lu Lu and Wong Wong.  Sometimes, while napping for the hundredth hour, they do strike some amazing poses (that's Mr. Powder Pants in what I like to call the 'supine upward cat').

Just about the time when I almost bought a vintage pantsuit, my grumbling stomach stopped me and we decided to eat a late lunch at Canter's.  I had never heard of it, but like in all of our spontaneous adventures, we stumbled upon a famous hangout.  Canter's has been in business since 1923 with a huge menu of Eastern European style food, and was the haunt of one Mr. Arthur Miller and Mrs. Marilyn Monroe.  It tasted just like my grandparents' house.  They serve pickles for the table and have eleven different coffee cakes on the dessert menu.  Yum-my.

We decided to give a little curtsey to spontaneity and went to a play at Cafe Club Fais Do-Do called Guided Consideration of A Lamentable Deed.  The script was pretentious at times (as we all are when we graduate college and before we enter the real world, I suppose), but the plot, acting, lighting, music, and free pre-show kegger were phenomenal.  A perfect mix of sensory stimulation.

Then, naturally, we ended the night with another meal at Canter's.  And now, I desperately need to work out.

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